Your nonprofit website is one of the most important fundraising tools you have. A successful online strategy is one that attracts visitors to your website, engages them with content, and has a call to action.
Here are 6 nonprofit website mistakes and how to fix them:
- No contact information. Make it easy for website users to find your nonprofit’s phone number, email address or contact form.
- No Mission and vision. Who are you and what makes you stand out? Make your vision and mission visible so that donors can understand how their donation will make a difference.
- Donate call to action button is missing. Don’t bury your donation link or button at the bottom of your website. It should be on the top of the page so visitors do not have to scroll down to see it. Use a branded donation form instead of a generic form and make sure that the form integrates with your CRM software.
- Your latest news is not featured. Have a specific place to share your latest news, upcoming events or volunteer opportunities. You can also include this information in a blog. Show visually compelling images of people benefitting from your services and show the impact of your work.
- Your website is not mobile responsive. A responsive website automatically adjusts to fit onto smaller mobile screens. As more people access the web with their phones, it is imperative that your website is set up in mobile responsive design. The number of smartphone users worldwide will surpass 2 billion in 2016 and is projected to grow to 6.1 billion by 2020.
- No social media links or a newsletter sign up. Provide social media links to make it easy for supporters to share your content. Ensure that your newsletter sign-up process is a simple and seamless.
Your website has to offer real value to your visitors and that is how you will build traffic and get people to return your website. How have you recently upgraded your website to make it more user friendly? Let us know!