Derby Duck Fundraiser

There is a lot more to the duck race than yellow rubber ducks with sunglasses racing down a waterway to raise funds for fantastic nonprofit organizations. Here is a list of FAQ’s about GAME’s rubber duck race fundraiser that we get asked from time to time from potential nonprofit partners.

FAQ’s about GAME’s Rubber Duck Race Fundraiser

What is a rubber duck race fundraiser?

A duck race is a fundraising event that allows your nonprofit and community to come together by allowing people in your community to “adopt” a duck for $5. Those ducks are then dropped into a waterway and swim to the finish line to win prizes for their adoptive owners.

How long has the Duck Race been in existence?

The first Duck Race took place in 1988 in Phoenix, Arizona. Proceeds benefited the Scottsdale Arizona Prevention Institute who raised over $150,000.  In fact, this year marks the 29th year that GAME has been partnering with nonprofits to help them raise funds with our duck race!

FAQ's about GAME's Rubber Duck Race Fundraiser - first duck race
GAME’s first duck race back in 1988 in Scottsdale, Arizona.

How many nonprofits does GAME partner with?

GAME partners with nonprofits in over 70 cities in the United States and 5 locations internationally including Mexico and Germany.

How do the ducks travel from city to city?

Our rubber ducks travel in totes from city to city and leave our warehouse in February.  The ducks don’t return to the Flock until the end of October.

What is the most important component of a duck race?

The most important component of a rubber duck race is securing sponsorships. You want to say that 100% of every duck adoption is going directly back to your organization.  Our fundraising experts help all of our nonprofit partners with sponsorship design so they can secure big bucks for their racing ducks!

FAQ's about GAME's Rubber Duck Race Fundraiser- Sponsor photo
The most important component of a duck race is securing sponsorships

After a person adopts a duck, do they get to keep the duck?

No.  After a person adopts a duck, our nonprofits work with each duck to make sure it is ready for race day.  After the race, all of the ducks are put back in totes and continue their travels to their next race somewhere in the United States.

What type of volunteer support does a nonprofit need when planning a duck race?

There are numerous volunteer opportunities when planning a duck race.  For example, opportunities include: duck adoptions, tagging party, logistics support, duck mascot appearances, data entry, social media postings, and more!  Even children can volunteer and get involved in the “quacktacular” fun!

Which nonprofit has earned the most money from a duck race?

In August 2014, the Freestore Food Bank in Cincinnati became GAME’s first nonprofit partner to raise over $1 million when they raced 150,000 ducks.

Can we still have a duck race if we don’t have a water source?

Yes! If you don’t have a water source, you can do a duck pluck.  Other options include creating a man-made slip and slide. In addition, you can set up an obstacle course where local athletes pluck a duck and complete the course with their duck in tow.

FAQ's about GAME's rubber duck race fundraiser- man made course
Slip and slide duck race course


How long does it take to plan a Duck Race?

We recommend a 7-9 month lead time so a nonprofit has enough time to secure sponsorship dollars and prizes.

How do the ducks get out of the water on race day?

The majority of our racers use nets to scoop up the ducks out of the water

A rubber duck race is a fun and unique fundraising event that brings smiles to your community, your sponsors and allows your nonprofit to spread awareness about your cause.  Let our team of fundraising professionals help you put the “fun” back into fundraising!  Contact us at or call us at (800) 779-RACE.

Derby Duck Fundraiser