Our Rubber Duck Racer Spotlight on Tampa, FL this month features our nonprofit partner, Kiwanis Club of Tampa who raced for the first time in 2017. They surpassed their original goal of 5,000 ducks and ended up ordering more ducks!
Organization Name: Kiwanis Club of Tampa
Years Racing with GAME: 2017 was our first year
Head Duck: Amanda Malinowski
Tell us a little bit about your organization and why you are racing Rubber Ducks: The Kiwanis Club of Tampa has been serving children in the Tampa community since 1919. We were looking for a new fundraiser that was fun, family-oriented, and would invite the community to join in on the fun and learn more about our organization.
What is your favorite part of planning a Rubber Duck Race: Thinking, talking and working with ducks all the time was so fun!
Do you have any duck race tips you would share with a first time racer? Put some thought into post race activities. We didn’t plan well for all the follow up activities that needed to happen after the race. Activities such as getting in touch with winners, thanking sponsors, and posting updates on our website and social media.
How do you keep your race fresh and new year after year? This was our first year, but we already have plans next year to make the race lane bigger and add more ducks! We will be also improving on our food offerings and entertainment.
What is something some people might not know about your organization and/or Rubber Duck Race? People don’t know that our organization also partners with other local nonprofits. We would love to have more partnerships for our duck race too!
What are some organizational goals you are trying to achieve with your Rubber Duck Race? We are hoping to eventually raise $50,000 for our duck race. Our goal is also to leverage the race to help with more media exposure so we can get more people familiar with our organization.
Favorite phrase or quote? Be the change you want to see in the world.
Favorite Ducktionary Phrase? Why did the duck cross the road? Because he wasn’t a chicken!